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What The Media Didn’t Report: Deleted Expert Comments

A glance at what the media left out in this week’s news about children and parents. Published remarks are highlighted in blue followed by the rejected portions.

Social Media News
“If you realize you are not the best communicator and you don’t have the best relationship with your child, adding another channel, such as Facebook or email, might improve the relationship,” Schon said. Jennifer Schon, doctoral student, University Kansas
DELTED: “Or it might end in your daughter de-friending you especially if she just posted a semi-clothed selfie.”
College Is Really Dangerous News
Twelve percent of the nation’s top colleges and universities have tanning beds on campus, and nearly half have them either on campus or in off-campus housing, according to a report published online Wednesday in JAMA Dermatology.
DELETED: Experts stress that in addition to sexual assault, binge drinking and campus shootings, parents should prepare their college-aged kids for encountering a tanning bed by initiating frank conversations about wrinkles, saggy skin and other conditions teens cannot fathom will ever happen to them. “Parents should also be on alert for signs their kids could be at risk – bouts of darker or redder skin tone than normal, white circles around the eyes and short-shorts in winter.” 
Being A Parenting Is Terrible News
“The arrival of a third child is not associated with an increase in the parents’ happiness, but this is not to suggest they are any less loved than their older siblings.” Mikko Myrskylä, professor of demography at LSE and Director of the Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research in Rostock, Germany.
DELETED: “Nor does this suggest third children are any less wanted even if they are forgotten at preschool, trapped in carseats all day, stuck with pilled hand-me-downs or left home alone with older brothers playing Call To Duty.”
I Can’t Believe There’s Parenting Advice On Decorating Websites News 
Pediatric sleep consultant Susie Parkertells Apartment Therapy, “If your baby wakes before 6 a.m. (new time), hold off on going to their room. Let them hang out until 6 or you may inadvertently set a very early new wake-up time.” HuffPo
DELETED:“Or switch out those nasty cheap roller blinds for some custom floor-to-ceiling black out shades available in a chic cabana stripe perfect for the well-dressed nursery and a well-rested baby.”
Menopause News
Woman who had their ovaries removed report fewer menopausal symptoms if they live with young children according to a new study:
“These are intriguing findings,” Lorenz said. “For women who were menopausal when our study began, those with young children at home actually showed more symptoms of hot flashes. But the women who underwent rapid menopause because of the surgical removal of their ovaries showed a dramatic reduction of symptoms.” Science Daily

 DELETED: “Women thinking about getting their ovaries removed should not adopt a child or become pregnant in order to forgo discomfort from hot flashes” warned Lorenz. “Nor should women who opt to keep their ovaries think about removing young children from their homes.

Miracles of Chocolate News
“The researchers point out that the product (a flavol extract) used in the study is not the same as chocolate, and they caution against an increase in chocolate consumption in an attempt to gain this (beneficial) effect.” Science Daily
DELTED:“The researchers also caution against any suggestion that the timing of the publication and press releases about this study, funded and conducted in collaboration with Mars, Inc. coincided with Halloween.”
Related Candy/Sugar-Coated News
From the esteemed Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health:
“Our study suggests that grocery shopping with children often can have negative consequences on the healthfulness of grocery purchases…” says Pamela J. Surkan, assistant professor in the Department of International Health at the Bloomberg School.
DELETED:“Parents should consider leaving children home alone or locked in the car rather than put them at risk for diabetes, obesity and tooth decay by bringing them into the grocery store” said Surkan.
The Brain Is Miraculous News
From the Medical University of Vienna:
New investigation methods using functional magnetic resonance tomography (fMRT) offer insights into fetal brain development. These “in vivo” observations will uncover different stages of the brain’s development. Science Daily
DELTED: …and also uncover numerous ways parents have already damaged a child’s brain before birth and quite possibly conception.
The Brain Is Very Miraculous News 

New research shows areas of the brain that make learning new words pleasurable:
“Results provide a neural substrate of the influence that reward and motivation circuitries may have in learning words from context,” affirms Josep Marco Pallarès, UB-IDIBELL researcher. “We were running simulations of ODP using a conventional model. When we failed to reconcile Kaneko and Stryker’s data to the model, we had to develop a new theoretical solution.” 
DELETED:“Results also confirm reading technical, arcane jargon is also highly pleasurable.”
The Brain Is Very, Very Miraculous News

New studyfinding brains accurately judge calories even when people consciously underestimate them:
“Our study sought to determine how people’s awareness of caloric content influenced the brain areas known to be implicated in evaluating food options. We found that brain activity tracked the true caloric content of foods.” Dr. Alain Dagher, neurologist at the Montreal Neurological Institute and Hospital and lead author of the study.
DELETED: “This is the first solid evidence brains are smarter than their human vessels. It also suggests the irrational behavior of humans is endangering the health of their bodies and most importantly jeopardizing optimal brain functioning. Right now we’re investigating the possibility of bypassing human behavior and judgment in food consumption and nutritional choices altogether by surgically connecting the frontal lobe to the digestive track.”
Happy Halloween.