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#Blogust, We Did It! Welcome to the first annual Blogust Dunk Tank Challenge

What a whirlwind end to Blogust! I’m thrilled to report people took 71,118 social media actions – commenting, sharing and liking. It’s been 30 days of amazing stories of discovery, adversity and often difficult personal journeys, you can read my wrap-up of the last week of Blogust including a small bit about my daughter’s own journey. I don’t often get teary-eyed or talk about my kids but I hope you’ll indulge me this one time over at the Shot@Life blog. Of course I asked my daughter’s permission first.

The best part of Blogust? The social media community, yes, that includes you, came together and made it happen, in fact, we surpassed the 60,000 goal. That means Walgreens will donated 60,000 vaccines to children in the developing world and it’s all because of people reaching out and speaking up.

It also means the dunk tank sitting in my driveway right now, the one brimming with cold water, will be getting some action.

Much to the surprise of my children (who couldn’t get me in the pool or ocean much if at all? this summer) – I will be donning my Shot@Life wet gear and climbing onto the dunk tank tomorrow afternoon. Yesterday morning there were just over 55k actions, this morning, over 71k. Wowza. 
My 8-year old son fortunately remembered how to do the math:
71 – 55 = 16

Now when I announced The Dunk Tank Challenge I was really hoping, wishing fingers crossed we’d meet the 60,000 goal. I thought maybe 4 or 5 dunks. But this is beyond my low expectations. You really came through! Frankly, I don’t think the twenty or so kids coming to my house tomorrow will let me sit on the sucker 16 times. I would hate to have to cut in line even for Shot@Life but we will get those 16 dunks and more with the help of my family and friends. Cheers and many thanks to all who lent their voices, hands and time to Shot@Life’s #Blogust. 


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