Curious Parenting: A Selection of Reads from Across the Parenting Media

 Would you want him to father your baby? Katy Grannan, Time Magazine Time magazine further confuses shyness with introversion, the former, a sometimes debilitating disorder characterized by anxiety, the latter, a personality trait found in those who find other people tiring in large doses and like their alone time. The recent …

Ritalin Results Gone Wrong: Take Two

Rehashed the claim Ritalin stops working over time at my new Momma Data perch at Psychology Today. Some new twists and turns in the piece – including confusion over study results thanks to NIMH. Anyhow, friends have reported feeling shy about commenting at Psych Today.  Please! If you’ve gotten anything from this blog beyond momentary relief …

Ritalin Gone Wrong? Ritalin Results Gone Wrong

Newsweek, 1996: Ritalin on the ropes. Ritalin and other drugs for Attention Deficit Disorder don’t produce long-term improvements in behavior and worse may harm children who suffer not from a complex neurological disorder but from bad parenting, poverty and stress and thus cannot be cured with a simple pill. So reported L. Alan Sroufe, Professor Emeritus (University of Minnesota’s …

Fast-paced Television Harms Preschoolers? Why the SpongeBob Study is Like the Perfect Piece of SPANX

Is SpongeBob sucking the smarts out of kids?  So hints a new study showing 4-year olds who watched a mere 9 minutes of the infamous cartoon did worse on memory and attention tests than kids shown an educational program or given crayons and paper.  Why the malicious effects? The researchers suggest the fast-paced segments in the aquatic toon may require more brain power to process and thus ultimately sap …