Babies Eating Too Soon? It’s about Breast Milk Really

What’s for dinner?  Apparently too much food according to a new study published in Pediatrics showing many babies are eating rather than simply drinking their dinners. Although the American Academy of Pediatrics now recommends parents introduce solids after 6 months a few years ago when 1,334 mothers participated in a national survey conducted by the Centers for …

Let Them Eat Dirt

Dirt is good for the immune system? There’s been speculation the rise of autoimmune disorders, allergies, and asthma may be due to our super clean living conditions – otherwise known as “the hygiene hypothesis”. Jane E. Brody dishes on the role of dirt in building healthy immune systems in her …

Fishy Business: To Eat or Not To Eat

Young children and pregnant women should avoid fish because of unsafe mercury levels. Young women and pregnant women should eat fish because of the supposed effect of fatty-acids on brain development. Yes, government officials are reconsidering these two statements above..with the FDA saying the risks from mercury might not be …