Exaggerated Benefits of Breastfeeding

“There are countless medical, emotional, and economic benefits of breastfeeding…” The American Academy of Pediatrics, April 2017 The benefits of breastfeeding are so plentiful they can’t be counted. Countless. Do not fall for this spin in the new clinical report issued this month by the American Academy of Pediatrics. Although …

More Literacy, Pleez

In case you missed it, this summer the American Academy of Pediatrics decided pediatricians should worry more about literacy. Their June policy statement declares reading the best thing a parent can do promote healthy development (i.e. brain development). Indeed, the pediatric grand poo-bahs should worry more about literacy, beginning with their own …

Screen Time Gets a Time Out, Again

The American Academy of Pediatrics now recommends children should stare at screens for no more than two hours a days according to guidelines just published in Pediatrics. The new policy focuses not just on television but new media viewed on computers, smart phones, tablets and other devices imperiling our youth. On your mark, …

Americans Red, White, and Blowing Science? Educated Parents Most At Fault for Faulty Beliefs about Vaccines, Breastfeeding, Bishpenol-A?

On the heels of our nation’s birthday let’s talk about America, more importantly, America’s ambivalent relationship with science. Here at Momma Data it’s no secret that I find fault with information parents get and dish out about their children. Supposedly scientific information. I blame journalists, scientists, the American Academy of …