The Reverend Doctor Andrew Wakefield: Autism Guru, Savior and Conspiracy Freak?

Shaun Curry/Agence France-Presse — Getty Images Mister Wakefield with Wife and Faithful Followers  The Denunciation of Dr. Wakefield by Susan Dominus.  An article in the April 24th New York Times (The Crash and Burn of an Autism Guru – the online title).  So it’s Mister Wakefield now.  Better yet Reverend Wakefield given his devoted flock disseminating his debunked vaccine-gut-autism …

Sloppy Science Meets Slimy Science: Andrew Wakefield and the Dangers of Junk Science

The esteemed British Medical Journal took up the strange and sordid case of Andrew Wakefield, the discredited autism quack whose 1998 study launched the vaccine-autism debacle. Read the piece if you can stomach it.  Wakefield’s article linking MMR vaccine and autism was fraudulent  The BMJ editorial accuses the former doc of fraud – …