Baby Bottles and BPA Briefly Absolved: Wall Street Journal’s Plea for Real Science

As much as it pains me to say it, the Wall Street Journal kicked some serious anti-science a** this weekend.  Not often my husband’s conservative rag makes me wanna cheer.  But Baby Bottle Red Alert, an editorial this weekend, is one of the more candid and refreshing retellings of the BPA brouhaha.  The WSJ editors leave …

BPA, FDA, NPR and More BS: Plastic, Autism, and Breast-Feeding Too

Two environmentalists performed “self-experiments” by eating canned food and rubbing Scotch Guard on themselves then wrote a book and called it scientific evidence of harmful toxins.  Voila, national media attention, instant expert status.  And somehow, by pure chance or a well-orchestrated PR campaign, the book bad-mouthing BPA and other household toxins came out just before the FDA announced its long-awaited opinion …

The Bisphenol A Brouhaha from A Balanced Toxicologist

The safety of  Bisphenol A has divided the public.  I’ve complained about the bias in the media, their fear-mongering and just plain misinterpretation (“stretching”) of research findings.  But it’s not just the media, even researchers can be less than fully objective as we’re reminded by Emily Monosson, herself a toxicologist and a blogger (aka The Neighborhood Toxicologist), …