Attention Pregnant Couch Potatoes: This is your unborn baby’s brain on laziness

A new study suggests exercising during pregnancy could boost an unborn baby’s brain development.  The big bad evidence?  Researchers in Montreal recruited a group of pregnant couch potatoes. Half exercised for the rest of their pregnancies while the others continued their wanton ways. Within 12 days after giving birth, the mommas …

Not So Smart Breastfeeding Studies

Two new breastfeeding studies landed in the news trying to remind us that breast is still best for baby and mom. The first study, a brain imaging study found breastfed kids have more white matter in their brains. Naturally the authors want us to conclude breastfeeding makes kids smarter. No, they didn’t bother with assessing the actual intelligence …

Parenting Research Unplugged

Kids still as creative as ever? (Credit: © BeTa-Artworks / Fotolia) Research you (might) need to know. Smoke from open-fire cooking associated with children’s lower cognitive skills.  Cooking over an indoor fire in the developing world, not the smoker you occasionally fire up in your backyard.  Perhaps it was sharing food over an enclosed …

Plastic Makes Boy’s Brains and Play Less Boyish? What Do Phthalates, Phallic Fears, and the Supreme Court All Have In Common?

Phthalates in pregnancy feminize the developing male brain rendering boys less boyish.  So says University of Rochester researcher Shanna Swan who found women who had high levels of the chemical in their urine during pregnancy later reported their boys showed less masculine play.   But who cares… Let’s not waste too much …