Not So Smart Breastfeeding Studies

Two new breastfeeding studies landed in the news trying to remind us that breast is still best for baby and mom. The first study, a brain imaging study found breastfed kids have more white matter in their brains. Naturally the authors want us to conclude breastfeeding makes kids smarter. No, they didn’t bother with assessing the actual intelligence …

A Box Reduces Infant Mortality?

Photo Credit: BBC News, Milla Kontkanen Ladies and gentleman, the answer to all your early parenting fears and needs: a box. The media has been a buzz about boxes supplied to expectant mothers by the Finnish government and filled with such nursery necessities as baby clothing, nappies, nail clippers and a picture book. The boxes each include a small mattress …

Proving the Benefits of Breastfeeding

Breastfeeding might help lower a women’s blood pressure for decades. Researchers at the University of Western Sydney School of Medicine couldn’t help but notice (in their pile of data) that women who reported breastfeeding also had lower blood pressure. Then they set about to get proof breastfeeding actually lowers blood pressure according to Science News Report: To …

Babies Eating Too Soon? It’s about Breast Milk Really

What’s for dinner?  Apparently too much food according to a new study published in Pediatrics showing many babies are eating rather than simply drinking their dinners. Although the American Academy of Pediatrics now recommends parents introduce solids after 6 months a few years ago when 1,334 mothers participated in a national survey conducted by the Centers for …