Organic Produce a Go or a No?

Stanford researchers threw some shade on organic produce this week.  After scouring 237 studies collected over forty years, they concluded in a study published Tuesday in the Annals of Internal Medicine* that organic fruits and vegetables offered  no more nutritonal benefits than produce with a side of pesticides. No more vitamins and minerals. Nor did organic mean less E. coli …

Backlash on Bloomberg’s Breastfeeding-Friendly Latch On NYC? You Bet

I’m not the only one wondering what’s up with Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s Latch On NYC.  Mothers including ones who’ve breastfeed, haven’t or somewhere in between have emailed me, commented here and called to vent their frustration, concerns and sometimes confusion. KJ Dell’Antonia over at Motherlode, whom I briefly met at BlogHer12 in NYC this weekend (as if …

Parenting Research Unplugged

Sippy cups, pacifiers and bottles result in over 2,000 annual ER trips. A lactivist’s dream come true. As is our next selection. Breastmilk ingredient optimizes good gut bacteria. Fine. Show me the long-term health benefits. The ones not attributed to the mothers who breastfeed for a year (in between pilates, preschool book fairs and …