The Breast Milk Cure…. or Curse? It’s the Water Not the Formula

   Breast milk, the miracle cure for child malnutrition and global poverty?  Nicholas B. Kristof, The New York Times, The Breast Milk Cure  That’s what New York Times foreign affairs columnist (i.e. not a trained science writer) proposed in his latest compassionate yet flawed, okay, botched attempt at public health advocacy – …

Surgeon General Botches Breastfeeding Call to Action: A Suboptimal Study in the National Spotlight

 Surgeon General Regina Benjamin (courtesy AP) “I believe that we as a nation are beginning to see a shift in how we think and talk about breastfeeding,” said Dr. Benjamin. “With this ‘Call to Action,’ I am urging everyone to help make breastfeeding easier.” A shift!  Amen! It’s about time …

Breastfeeding as Proxy for SAT Scores: Does Breastfeeding Spell Less Sleep and Better School Performance?

Howdy, my sleep-deprived friends and fellow parents. Got to hold a little itty bitty baby this New Year’s Eve.  How I  miss those teeny tiny hands and feet!  But not the tiny stomachs and the tiny bouts of sleep.  Speaking of sub-optimal rest, some of you might have you heard that breastfed babies sleep less and …

Motherhood Madness: Erica Jong, Thanks But Where’s the Science?

 Jong’s 1973 Fear of Flying. Photo from Wikipedia Parenting just got a bit saner this weekend but unfortunately not exactly thanks to scientific evidence. Breastfeeding round the clock, washing cloth diapers, making baby food, sleeping with baby, wearing baby, nurturing non-stop – such is “the prison” of modern motherhood according to famed feminist and writer Erica Jong …