Scientific American Slants the Science Behind Breastfeeding Benefits: Truth in Breastfeeding

Really pretty unscientific examination of breastfeeding here in the Scientific American article How Breastfeeding Benefits Mothers’ Health.  I’d be more irritated if I weren’t oddly entertained by the drama and exaggerated data.  By now it’s no surprise women who breastfeed have lower risks of breast cancer but did you know… For every 12 months …

Celebrity Health Advice Sized Up on Slate: Jenny McCarthy Missed Autistic Red Flag?

Jenny McCarthy might have written several best-selling parenting books (Louder Than Words: A Mother’s Journey in Healing Autism) but she’s no health expert and I highly doubt she’s cured her son or anyone else of autism.  But there are plenty of people who do believe her health claims (e.g., vaccines cause autism) despite evidence to …

Scientific America takes on Unscientific America: Can Science Rescue Parents?

Can science tackle the rampant misinformation on the internet?  Yes according to Lawrence Krauss who laments the onslaught of bad information in our new media world in the December issue of Scientific America.   Krauss, a theoretical physicist, affirms the value of science, rather, the scientific process (i.e. testing hypotheses in a systematic and rational way) in putting to rest fallacious theories (War Is …