Why We’re Fat: It’s Not Our Diet or Infant Formula

Obesogens. Forget refined carbs, television and even infant formula.  Blame obes-o-gens.  We’re fat because of obesogens, the toxins that predispose rats and perhaps people to obesity. Researchers have been studying whether exposure to endocrine-disrupting chemicals in the womb or early in life pre-program children to pack on pounds. New York Times (human rights/global poverty) columnist …

Toxic Autism Conclusions: Why Babble should either get it right or stick to pregnant celebrities

10 Common Chemicals Linked to Autism and ADHD – Babble, April 26 With autism now affecting 1 out of every 88 American children, researchers have been scrambling to understand how, in just 10 years, these numbers have jumped a staggering 78 percent, and why ADHD now affects 14 percent of children …

Bisphenol A (BPA) in Canned Food: Chicken Noodle Soup for Pseudo-Scientists?

Bisphenol a in canned food like Campbell’s Chicken Noodle?  New York Time’s columnist Nicholas Kristof’s turned his keen eye to bisphenol-a (aka BPA) Sunday in what may become a continuing series, “Chemicals in Our Food, Our Bodies.”   He pulled out the usual data in addition to a new study by Consumer Reports.  The anal organization apparently found traces of BPA in popular …