Positive Discipline: An Update, An Apology and Fact Checking the Fact Checker

Even someone who fact checks parenting experts and parenting advice needs to be fact checked once in a while.  I was wrong. I admit it. I made a hasty comment about the odds of a parenting expert thoughtfully and readily answering my question about the three praises for every one reprimand.  For those of you who wasted two hours watching the family-friendly movie Parental …

Glimmers of Savvy Parenting News for 2013? Not in the Parenting Media

Despite the flurry of flu activity in the house, the strep, the late Ho Ho Hannukah/Kwanza/Everything cards, the dead fish and the general holiday mess/stress, I’m determined to start the new year on a positive word or two*. Thus I promise not to post about the recent ho ho hum genderized toy op-ed that offered nothing new but surely grabbed …