Stanford Organic Food Study Backlash Redo: Another Selective Critical Look

This is rich. Mark Bittman debunking the Stanford organics study from last month or as he called it in the title of his piece That Flawed Stanford Study. You remember the study – the one showing organic fruits and veggies provided no more nutrients or minerals than traditionally-grown ones (i.e. with pesticides).  I followed my original post with a second one given the slap down it …

Organic Produce a Go or a No?

Stanford researchers threw some shade on organic produce this week.  After scouring 237 studies collected over forty years, they concluded in a study published Tuesday in the Annals of Internal Medicine* that organic fruits and vegetables offered  no more nutritonal benefits than produce with a side of pesticides. No more vitamins and minerals. Nor did organic mean less E. coli …

(Don’t) Got Milk?: Too Much Milk Redo

Mark Bittman, Anti-Milk Activitst? From So recently foodie and New York Times culinary columnist Mark Bittman reported we drink too much milk and purported his chronic heartburn ceased when he nixed the cow nectar. Now he confessed he’s been conducting an informal survey of family and friends who apparently have suffered the same lactose-induced …