Positive Discipline: An Update, An Apology and Fact Checking the Fact Checker

Even someone who fact checks parenting experts and parenting advice needs to be fact checked once in a while.  I was wrong. I admit it. I made a hasty comment about the odds of a parenting expert thoughtfully and readily answering my question about the three praises for every one reprimand.  For those of you who wasted two hours watching the family-friendly movie Parental …

Glimmers of Savvy Parenting News for 2013? Not in the Parenting Media

Despite the flurry of flu activity in the house, the strep, the late Ho Ho Hannukah/Kwanza/Everything cards, the dead fish and the general holiday mess/stress, I’m determined to start the new year on a positive word or two*. Thus I promise not to post about the recent ho ho hum genderized toy op-ed that offered nothing new but surely grabbed …

Selling Self-Control with Sugar: Charlie Sheen, Donuts, and Preschool Self-Regulation

Self-control at age 3 predicts life success.  Got it. Self-control begets success according to a new study out of New Zealand.  Makes sense.  All those years learning patience allows kiddies to grow up and get to work on time every day and stay off the police blotter. How then to explain Charlie Sheen?  Not only the highest paid …