Preschool Should Be Less School and More Play? The First Evidence-Based Parenting Blog Carnival

  Desks, letter books and math worksheets in preschool. It doesn’t take a Ph.D. to figure out preschool is no longer about learning to sit on the circle rug without touching the kid on the next color. Today’s early childhood education only vaguely resembles my own brief stint at Lolliopop Nursery …

Books in the Home: Making Better Readers or More Skeptical Parents?

Don’t skip the school book fair.  Don’t even think about recycling the book flyer coming home in the back pack. Don’t even try to deny your child the boxed set of Captain Underpants.  Books in the home make better readers. Subtext: Buying books for your kids will make them smarter. Says who? Scholastic, the “read every day.  lead a better …

The Benefits of Good Teaching: Fact-Checking the President’s State of the Union Address

So President Obama referenced that new teacher study in recent news in his State of the Union address last night.  The education study with 2.5 million school kids tracked over 20 years, the very one I posted on a few weeks ago so it was very fresh in my mind.  Yours too?  The Prez spoke about education, including higher education, …