Backlash against Experts and Media

Whatever we might think about current events in the United States, most of us could probably agree a backlash against traditional authority and expertise has ripped through the place. A fair share probably agree this discontent and distrust extends to experts in general, for instance, in the media, the economy, …

Future of Journalism: Calling All Under-employed, Over-educated Academics

Twenty-first century journalism needs to shape up. It’s no surprise to anyone at Momma Data that the news hasn’t been behaving well lately. No less than Harvard’s Shorenstein Center for Media, Politics and Public Policy has lamented the poor behavior:  And then there is the rise of ubiquitous, frequently bald-faced, misinformation and …

10 Reasons To Love Top 10 Lists

I can’t get enough Top 10 Lists, the genre filled with carefully culled tips, symptoms, signs, mistakes, secrets and such. Next month we’ll hit the motherlode of numbered lists with the Best of 2013 clogging inboxes and news feeds. Granted these short bursts of infotainment can be helpful when starting a …