Reader Comments Distort Perception of Science News: Parents? No Comment!

People who read news on the internet are swayed by the comments other readers post. The comment from the parenting sphere? Stop cackling at your smartphone. One word: vaccines. Okay, two: autism.  In other words, we parents are well aware of the potential for aggressive/aggressively inaccurate comments to sway public opinion.  Not breaking news here. Not to those of us at once agitated and yet …

Fact-Checking the Parenting Media: Sorry But Too Busy with Political Rhetoric

  Con man Professor Harold Hil playing loose with the truth  Does anyone care about getting the facts right these days? The media does. In so far as it doesn’t interfere too much with other priorities such as putting out stories that might contain half-truths. Check out this recent column about fact-checking by …

Violence and Video Games: Is Lego Wii the Gateway to Grand Theft Auto?

My five-year old son became besotted with Indiana Jones Lego on the Wii in like two weeks.  My fault entirely since I gave it to him for his birthday recently after several recommendations and online reviews.  When the Lego Indiana Jones cracks his whip the bad block guys “crumble,” falling apart.  Had to rein it in as I was …

Motherhood Madness: Erica Jong, Thanks But Where’s the Science?

 Jong’s 1973 Fear of Flying. Photo from Wikipedia Parenting just got a bit saner this weekend but unfortunately not exactly thanks to scientific evidence. Breastfeeding round the clock, washing cloth diapers, making baby food, sleeping with baby, wearing baby, nurturing non-stop – such is “the prison” of modern motherhood according to famed feminist and writer Erica Jong …