A Cure for Hyper-Parenting Platitudes?

Hyper-parenting landed atop the New York Time’s Most Emailed this week. A Cure For Hyper-Parenting worked its way right past the chicken wings boomlet.The general, largely anecdotal parenting article comes from Pamela Druckerman, author of Bringing Up Bébé, now an authority on raising children. I agree with some of her ideas. And yet. There might …

What Makes a Good Parent: Hint, It’s Not Breastmilk or Buying Organic

Know a good parent?  Forget the mom who makes the circus animal cupcakes or gladly drives her kid and 5 others or who just got another kid into a gifted and talented slot.  Think of the mom or dad with the children you’d welcome into your home any time with or without a chaperon or a runny nose.  You can thank our friend psychologist Barbara Boucher, Ph.D., for starting …

Overparenting on Parade

Grab the November issue of The New Yorker and thumb to The Child Trap: The Rise of Overparenting by Joan Acocella. It’s a good look at the recent parenting phenomenon – you know, spoiling (toys, few rules, too many birthday parties) combined with parental anxiety (are formula, tv, baby, germs, …