Ending Polio: The Other One Percent

Last Thursday I found myself in the same room as Bill Gates, UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon and Afghan President Hamid Karzai among other world leaders and VIPs who’d gathered at the United Nations for basically a pep rally to eradiate polio. Finally eradicate polio. In lieu of driving carpool and microwaving dinner I sat beside my fellow UN Foundation colleagues and …

What I Gleaned from the Social Good Summit 2012: Plus the Shot at Life Moble App

What do you get when you mix activists, social media and a good portion of global perspective? Moments Matter mobile App. Have a favorite milestone?  The Social Good Summit 2012. It’s “where big ideas meet new media to create innovative solutions” as Mashable one of the co-hosts put it. This past weekend the United Nations Foundation, Mashable and other …

Blogust: Blogging for Social Good

Shot@Life: The Stats Let’s forget breastfeeding and noted mayors who act like boobs for one moment and take a look at a public health effort designed to save children’s lives that refreshingly is backed by solid empirical evidence and ultimately will make a big difference in the lives of families around the world – none other than the …