What I Gleaned from the Social Good Summit 2012: Plus the Shot at Life Moble App

What do you get when you mix activists, social media and a good portion of global perspective? Moments Matter mobile App. Have a favorite milestone?  The Social Good Summit 2012. It’s “where big ideas meet new media to create innovative solutions” as Mashable one of the co-hosts put it. This past weekend the United Nations Foundation, Mashable and other …

Blogust: Blogging for Social Good

Shot@Life: The Stats Let’s forget breastfeeding and noted mayors who act like boobs for one moment and take a look at a public health effort designed to save children’s lives that refreshingly is backed by solid empirical evidence and ultimately will make a big difference in the lives of families around the world – none other than the …

What the Heck is Herd Immunity? Be a Child’s Shot@Life

Herd Immunity can be defined as:  a) A cattle rancher’s term for livestock granted protection from the slaughterhouse.b) An inherited or acquired resistance to joining groups (e.g., glee club, sororities, the PTA, the Tea Party). c) An exemption from bullying granted to middle-school students who do the bidding of high-status classmates.  d) A protection from legal liability granted …