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Media Ignoring New Study on BPA?: Hello from BlogHer (Almost)

So while I’m en route to BlogHer check out this new study on BPA, yes, the little toxin that emptied the baby aisles and I might add, many a parental wallet seeking “safer” alternatives.  Of course I got rid of the BPA bottles and sippy cups years ago, but as usual I have been skeptical of the suspected carcinogenic effects. 

So read and we’ll discuss next week, Trevor Butterworth’s take on the new study.  Okay I just wanted to type that name one more time.   Take it away, Trevor….

Majestically Scientific” Federal Study On BPA Has Stunning Findings: So Why Is The Media Ignoring It?

BTW, I LOVE California.  You peeps out here are so lucky and don’t try to mention the state debt, etc. 
Wish me luck, Legoland here we come…..


  1. Somehow I missed you at BlogHer11 — dang.

    Three things we're planning for BlogHer12:

    *expanded special needs program (including adults with disabilities)
    *a Room of Your Own (best) or Birds of a Feather (second best) for skeptical women.
    *a Room of Your Own (best) or Birds of a Feather (second best) for women who blog about STEM (science technology engineering & math).

    For my money,the tracks were way too mommy-blogger | monetize your blog heavy.

  2. DARN!!! Would have loved to have met up!!! And I am so with you on those talks (would have loved them)and birds of a feather!!!! I've put that in my comments to BlogHER for two years straight – where are the geeky/sciency/skeptics??? SO I was mid-post when I read your comment, but I will say what I am about to write again – I obviously was not the only perplexed woman at BlogHer when one of the founders, Lisa Stone?, announced women trust bloggers more than the news media. The crowd cheered and I mused….

    I felt like I should take a shower after walking past the exhibit hall.

    So are you coming to NYC next August? We need to start forming that science panel right now!!!!

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