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#SocialGood Summit: Advocating for child health

This weekend the United Nations Foundation hosts the annual Social Good Summit in New York.  The conference gathers together entrepreneurs, activists and advocates to talk about the role of technology and new media in doing good around the world. Basically it’s one huge on-going conversation about some of the most innovative global citizens!

I’m honored to attend the 2-day event as a United Nations Social Good Fellow. As many of you know I’ve been advocating for Shot At Life, a UNF campaign focused on improving access and funding for childhood vaccines in the developing world. So watch out for my #SocialGood tweets and Facebook posts this weekend. In addition to child and maternal health, the conversation will cover a wide range of critical and challenging global issues from AIDs, sustainable cities, the oceans, the arts and war refugees.

The amazing line-up of speakers and panelists includes former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright, Save The Children’s Carolyn Miles and The International Rescue Committee’s David Milliban. Oh and celebrity activists like director Richard Curtis, Charlize Theron, Laverne Cox, Adrian Grenier and Sienna Miller.

The theme this year? The future, specifically the year #2030. So while you’re monitoring homework and screen time this evening, ponder this not so small question:

What type of world do I want to live in by 2030?

Up next on MommaData:

A 2011 Pediatrics meta-analytic study arguing breastfeeding prevents Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (at the request of a friend and reader).

A Q&A with Alice Callahan, author of the newly published book, The Science of Mom.