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The Poop on Pampers Dry Max Diapers: Part Two Coming Soon

Visited the Pampers Dry Max team at P&G headquarters last week with a group of other mommy bloggers.  Heard from the diaper giant’s own experts and several of their external experts.  Also heard from Lisa Stone, one of the women behind the Bring Back the Old Cruisers page on Facebook. Got plenty to share but considering the hectic final week of school, the family trip with spotty internet access, the high school reunion, the house, well, old and mid-renovations, well, not the best week to take on 10,000 irritated Facebook moms nor a billion dollar consumer-products powerhouse. 

So stay tuned dear moms and dads – I vow to get back to you all soon not because I await the greenlight from Pampers (as some have accused other mommy bloggers) but because life has happened while I was busy making other plans.  To be fair I also want to do a bit more fact-checking because quite frankly this one’s got plenty of intrigue and conflict. 

Though it’s a bit premature to start casting the movie I should mention Russell Crowe and another Insider testosterone moment just isn’t right here.  Sorry, this is basically an all-female ensemble, the Pampers team mostly women, the Facebook fans, women, the mommy bloggers, women, the parents buying diapers, well, who do you see in line at Target? In a cinematic twist but all too typical of the domestic sphere, males are pretty much confined to secondary roles.  In other words, Sex in the City meets Erin Brockovich.  Thinking outside the box I’ll only say I’m not adverse to a musical.  Moms hugging plastic baby dolls stage right, diaper execs with dark glasses and smoking vials stage left.  A cameo by Erin Brovokich alum, Aaron Eckhart, do we know if he can sing? Thoughts?  Too much?


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