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What Do Parents Really Think about Vaccines? Be a Child’s Shot@Life

It’s true that measles and whooping cough are on the rise. It’s true some parents are choosing not to vaccinate but they represent a small minority. Most parents support childhood immunizations (see 2009 study in Pediatrics).: 

Getting vaccines is a good way to protect my child(ren) from disease (90% agree)

Although most report they follow doctor recommendations (88%) they still have safety concerns:

I am concerned about serious adverse effects (54% agree)

Some still believe vaccines cause autism, a theory discredited by numerous scientitic studies. 

Some vaccines cause autism in healthy children (25% agree)


  1. Yikes, some scary stuff here. I am really distressed by the extent to which the blind lead the blind out there in the Interwebs. Every time I do a pro-vax article, I find myself being attacked by angry anti-vaxers. What makes them so angry, I wonder? Should we who vaccinate be the angry ones, given that they're depending upon us to protect their unvaccinated kids?

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