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World Polio Day: A real danger you can do something about before piano and homework


It’s World Polio Day. It offers not just a temporary reprieve from our media-weary souls but an opportunity to recognize the many international efforts aimed at ending polio. It’s a chance to help kids and families on the other side of the world.  It’s also a chance to forget about the less than immediate and dire threats to our own kids (e.g., high fructose corn syrup, video games, standard testing) and instead focus on one of the worst diseases still stalking children around the globe:

The eradication of polio from the western hemisphere is among the most significant public health achievements of all time, but victory over polio cannot be claimed until the entire world is made safe from the disease, and that is the commitment the global public health community has made. U.S. Center of Disease Control via World Moms Blog

If you’re looking for a big bad health threat, here it is, alive and still taking victims young and old. Make today about polio and as you go about your normal routine feel free to forget about:

The baby monitor with the built-in blood oxygen monitor

The tainted breast milk

The vinyl floor at your school

Your baby’s innate number sense

Your toddler’s word recognition skills

Your daughter who hates soccer and thus won’t  be a math and science whiz

Your kid who doesn’t take piano and thus won’t be the next Einstein

Your tween’s request for colored contacts

Forget all that for now. Here’s what you can do right now to help stop polio forever:

1) JOIN SHOT@LIFE. Sign up at Feel free to donate. A mere $20 vaccinates a child for life against polio, measles, pneumonia and the rotavirus. The polio vaccine costs as little as one dollar.

2) CONTACT YOUR SENATOR. The U.S. Senate has introduced a resolution to commemorate World Polio Day in recognition of the work already done and the work still needed to remove this threat. Tell your Senator to support S. Reso 270.

3) JOIN THE TWITTER PARTY. The #endpolionow party, tonight, October 24th at 8pm-9m EST. My fellow Shot@Life champions and I will be tweeting about the near eradication of polio.

4) TELL ME YOUR STORY. Did or someone you know experience polio?

5) READ ABOUT POLIO. Try these posts by my fabulous friends and colleagues at Shot@Life. I’ll be adding links throughout the day and by all means, let me know if I’ve missed one. For parents burdening by the 15- to 30-minute reading log, yes, this counts towards the daily required reading. Have your kid read a post or three. Log it. Sign it. Like it. You have my permission.

Why Should We End Polio Now? Live Do Grow

WORLD POLIO Day: Actions you can take to help eradication polio World Moms Blog

My Polio Vaccine documama

Polio? PoliNO! My Mommy Reads

World Polio Day: Guest Post Finnegan and The Hughes

World Polio Day 2014: There’s still work to do Only Laila 

It’s World Polio Day Dirt and Noise

Nurses Night Out Focuses on Polio Prevention Nurses Who Vaccinate via Shot of Prevention 

The History of World Polio Day Advocate Momma

Why Me? Why Global Vaccines? A Day in Our Shoes

Experiences from the Heart of the Polio Outbreaks Shot of Prevention

The Battle We’ve Almost Won: Eradicating Polio Third Eye Mom

World Polio Day, Small Steps for a Polio Free World End Poverty

We even have posts written by kids. That’s right. Our young activists! The first post finds a young girl making a difference at Explore With Spunk.  A second post comes from two brothers at I’m as Free as a Bird. The third comes from a boy at The Real Deal Post.


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